Game Modes

There are many ways to play Heroes Evolved. We recommend starting with the tutorial to learn the fundamentals of play. Find the mode that best suits your style and carve your path to glory!

  • Ranked Play

    Ranked Play

    Matching Play is the most important and popular mode. We have Single Matching and Team Matching for you to choose. The Mode will match you the most suitable teammates and opponents.Your strength is reflected by your score.

  • Refine your skills

    Refine your skills

    This Mode is more suitable for beginners to experience. You and your teammates will fight against 5 computer-controlled opponents. This mode will only bring you a few EXP and Gold (Only the first 5 games).

  • Set up a match

    Set up a match

    In this Mode, you can create a room to freely invite teammates and opponents. You can modify the room settings, such as room name, rank limit, escape rate limit, room password, game mode and player numbers.

Ranked Play

Rank can represent a player's power roughly. Players are divided by rank based on their scores

Ranked Play

Rank Star Rank Score
Unranked None rank<1300
Bronze 1 1300<=rank<1400
2 1400<=rank<1500
3 1500<=rank<1600
Silver 1 1600<=rank<1700
2 1700<=rank<1800
3 1800<=rank<1900
Gold 1 1900<=rank<2000
2 2000<=rank<2100
3 2100<=rank<2200
Diamond 1 2200<=rank<2300
2 2300<=rank<2400
3 2400<=rank<2500
Master 1 2500<=rank<2600
2 2600<=rank<2700
3 2700<=rank<2800
King 1 2800<=rank<2900
2 2900<=rank<3000
3 3000<=rank

Only the score of 2499 and 2799 will activate the Promotion Matches and Demotion Matches. Other scores will directly promote or demote your rank according to the table above.

Promotion Matches

Promotion Matches When your score reaches the maximum of the current rank, you need to win the Promotion Matches to get promoted to a higher rank.
You have to win 3 out of 5 promotion matches to escalate to the higher rank. During the Promotion Matches, winning and losing will not affect your total score. You will be matched with players at the same rank preferentially. If there is no such player, you will be matched with players at other ranks.

Demotion Matches

Demotion Matches When your score reaches the lowest score of the current rank, you will have a Demotion Matches. If you lose 2 successive Demotion Matches, you will be demoted to the lower rank.
You need to win 3 out of 5 Demotion Matches to maintain your current rank. During the Demotion Matches, winning or losing will not affect your total score. You will be matched with players at the same rank preferentially. If there is no such player, you will be matched with players at other ranks.