Heroes Evolved Terminology

Top Laner:
Top laner refers to the hero who defends the top lane on his own. Different from some MOBA games on PC, Heroes Evolved has the top and bottom lanes reversed for the two sides, which makes your top laner play against enemy ADC and Support in their bot lane. Thus, Top laners need to have high survivability and resistance.
Mid Laner:
Mid laner is the hero, usually a Mage, who guards the middle lane on his own. Mid laners can develop faster by farming a lane of enemy troops and are expected to significantly contribute to teamfights in late game.
Last Hit:
Killing troops brings Gold and experience. Last hitting means you use basic attacks, abilities, or equipment to make the killing blow on enemy troops. There are bonus rewards for last hitting.
It’s a positive effect applied to a hero and usually obtained from monsters like Zakar in Heroes Evolved.
Counter Jungle:
To slay monsters in the enemy’s side of the jungle, depriving the enemy team of buffs, Gold, and experience. 
Counter Kill:
A hero with advantages over his enemy is unexpectedly killed by this enemy.
To collect Gold and experience by killing jungle monsters and enemy troops. Growing your hero is the most important thing before you build a set of max-level gears, as well as the key to win in teamfights.