How to use Help Center


What is Help Center?


Help Center is where you could submit the bug you met and suggestions you have to Heroes Evovled. GM in help center will help you as soon as possible. Here's a guide about how to use the Help Center. You could even use it when you didn't log into the game. 


After logging in the game, you could find more details for your current issues. 


There are 6 differents categories to help you classify your problem:

  1. Account
  2. Gameplay
  3. Hot Issues
  4. Payments
  5. Technical
  6. Suggestion
And under each category, you will find some cases to describe your problems. If you cannot find your answer in those cases, please describe your issue or suggestion in the chatbox and send it to our GM. We will reply you as soon as possible!
You could check your help history in Help Center as well! Do not forget to check it after you made the request!